We all know that the universe runs by many rules. Out of which we know many rules and we do not even know many rules. There are also many rules that apply in our lives and we are unaware of them. These rules are so important for us that without them our life will no more.

This rule often shows us a new direction in life. By using them, we can move very far into our life. Today I will tell you about some such laws of the universe which you see every day but have not yet understood what is the truth behind them? If you understand the depth behind them, then only you will understand the mystery of the universe.

Knowing this, nothing will be difficult for you and these are some rules by knowing which you can achieve anything in your life.

The laws of the universe run the whole world by some rules and no one can change them.

 The first law of nature

  So the first law of nature states that if seeds are not put in the ground, then nature itself will fill it with grass. Similarly, your mind is also there. If you will not sow the seeds in your mind, then it is going to fill the grass on its own, and that is why all the people of this world continue to be in sorrow and worry.

Many of us don’t know how to sow seeds in their mind, the result of that our mind automatically keeps all negative thoughts, and with this their entire future is created. This also tells us the Law of Reaping and Boeing that is if you sow mango seed in the empty land, then the mango tree is going to be planted and if you do not sow any seed, then only and only you will grass Is about to be received.

            In the same way, if you put positive thoughts and thoughts in your mind or fill it, then it definitely starts changing your life. But nowadays there is a problem with many people that a lot of peoples don’t know how to sow the seeds in mind.

let me tell you that through the affirmation you can easily think of any kind of thought, sow the idea in your mind And the affirmation is the way that if you listen to anyone thing by making a line every day, and listen continuously then the same thought, the same thought goes on in your mind all day and when in the mind If the idea starts then results start coming from it as well.

You can become anything through affirmation. You can do anything and whatever results in you can get in your life.

Take an example of Edison.

 When Edison was expelled from school, saying that he was a very retarded child. You should teach him at home. So his mother only told Edison that in this letter, it is written that your son is very clever and our school teacher is not capable enough to teach your son. That is why you should teach him at home. The reshuffling of his mother's words changed Edison's life and went on to become a great scientist.
            So this is the power of words, this is the power of Affirmation. The thing you listen to, the thing you speak yourself. That is what you become. That's why start speaking only positive thoughts in your mind. The whole world will give you reasons for the misery.
Start looking for a reason for happiness for yourself and from that time there will be such a big change in your life that you will be surprised yourself. Your life will change so much that you can never imagine.

Second law say that like attracts like.

In the same way, there is another law of nature, which shares what it has. Like a happy person sharing happiness. A sad person shares sorrow. A knowledgeable person shares knowledge. The fearful person shares the fearful and the foolish person shares the foolish.

 So always remember one thing that if we want happiness, then we have to find him who is sharing happiness. If we want knowledge we should think about the person who gives us knowledge. If we want pleasure, then find the person who has a lot of pleasure.

But always remember one thing, never sit down to convince a fool. Because no fool can give you benefit from your knowledge, it will definitely harm you because the more energy, the more power you put into explaining it, the more power you will continue to make a fool.

You will not get any benefit in convincing fools, it will hurt you. Therefore, never give knowledge to a fool. Give him some money or leave it or ignore it. In that, he is going to be happy and you too will be happy. No change can come to any fool with your knowledge.

When people do evil and you are unhappy, then understand one thing that your life is going to be sadder. But I do not understand one thing why people are so sad? And that too at the speaking of another. The truth is that you have no relation to him.

When someone speaks to you saying anything wrong, they were insulting themselves. Knowing that inadvertently they were downing themselves, so do not worry about them. Whenever someone says something to you or says something wrong, get out of there by understanding that his understanding is very low and his thoughts are not matching with your thoughts.

When you do this, you find yourself in a different world. And if your world is different from others, then a person happier than you cannot be anywhere in this world.

Thanks for reading.

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